With our lives about to begin on a new journey, I can't picture it being anything but chaotic. The idea
though, is to mask the chaos by doing it all with just a little touch of charisma.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

26 weeks! Only 6 more weeks to go.

Update on me:
Life in the hospital has been a very interesting journey. I have been doing pretty good and haven't had too many breakdowns. I really credit my sanity to the wonderful friends and family who have been supporting me and taking the time out of their busy schedules to stop by and see me. It really means so much to me to see familiar faces. It makes it feel like, for that moment, things are normal. Billy has also been a huge support. Sometimes I wonder who has it worse, me or him. He works full time, has to worry about the dogs and then comes to hang out with me for a few hours before he has to go home to get some sleep and start it all over again. He always reassures me, though, that he wouldn't have it any other way.
It's hard being alone here, but I'm getting along just fine. When I'm alone I try to stay busy reading, knitting, and watching TV series on Hulu or Netflix. All in all things haven't been too bad. Let's face it though, it's only been two weeks. I still have a few more weeks to try and stay sane. I wonder if they have a psyche ward in this hospital.
The nurses are finally working with me on my sleep problems. Yipee! My doctor was so worried the last time she saw me because I looked like I hadn't slept in days so she had a little powow with the nurses to set up a better schedule. Now we get done with my last NST (the hour long monitoring to measure the babies heart rates) at 10:30-11 pm and nobody bothers me until 5 or 6 am the next morning. It's still really hard to get sleep but it's much better than somebody coming in every 4 hours to check on me. It's sooo much better!

Update on the munchkins:
When it all comes down to it, the only important thing is that my babies are healthy. Today I had an ultra sound to check on the babies cord flow. Baby B is measuring a whole half a pound smaller than baby A so they are taking special precautions to make sure the smaller one is growing and not being restricted of nutrients and/or blood flow.  This, of course has me worried. The Dr. has assured me, though, that everything looks great and there is nothing to worry about as of right now. The important thing is that they are both getting what they need and not what they weigh in comparison to each other. I just hope, that baby B can fatten up by my next ultra sound so that I can stop worrying so much.
Other than the size discrepancy, the boys are doing great. Their heart rates are right on track and they are kicking away in my belly. I can't wait to meet the little buggers but let's just hope it's not for another 6 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Ali! Sooooooo exciting! Just so you know one of Nicole's twins weighed about that much more than the other! But they've equaled out by now! Stay happy and healthy so they're cooked to perfection!!!! :)
