With our lives about to begin on a new journey, I can't picture it being anything but chaotic. The idea
though, is to mask the chaos by doing it all with just a little touch of charisma.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Power of a Stranger's Gesture

Today, as I was lying in bed feeling bad for myself, trying to fall back asleep so that the day would pass by a little faster, a lady walked into my room. "I hope you weren't sleeping.", she said. Instead of saying something that would fit my sour mood I said, "No, I was just resting." She pulled something out from her bag and with tears in her eyes she said, "I brought you a magazine... I'm sorry I'm emotional but I was in your shoes just over a year ago." Right after she said that her husband wheeled in a stroller with two perfectly healthy identical twin baby girls. My eyes just lit up. She continued to tell me of her personal experience with her two month stay in the hospital. All the trials and markers. All the fears and reassurances. She even told me of the "secret" hang out spots here at the hospital. I can't even express what it means to me to have been able to talk to somebody who knows what I'm going through. It was such a kind gesture and I am so grateful for her visit. It was definitely a "pay it forward" moment for me. I look forward to someday being able to provide that support to another mom to be. It meant so much to me and I'll never forget it.

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